
Membership Information
What Is A Chamber of Commerce?
A Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary federation of the business community uniting the efforts of business and professional individuals to ensure a healthy economic and social-economic base to benefit the entire community. The Chamber harnesses the tremendous potential of the private enterprise system and enables its membership to accomplish collectively what no one could do individually.
How Does It Work?
The policies and programs of your Chamber are determined by the Board of Directors elected by the membership. The Board establishes goals, sets policies, appoints committees, and works to establish and promote programs and projects which benefit the entire city. Through participation in events you can work side by side with the other movers and shakers of the Garfield community.
What Does It Do?
Chambers of Commerce are increasingly involved in non-commercial areas, including but not limited to education, human relations, environmental, cultural, and governmental concerns. These challenges have caused Chambers of Commerce to become a viable force in seeking solutions to today's social problems. Chambers of Commerce influence national, state and local legislation affecting businesses and the businesses community.
Why Join The Chamber?
The Chamber of Commerce is a salesman for our community and businesses. The purpose is to unceasingly promote products and services of the businesses. We will be providing to our membership ad space in our Newsletter. The Newsletter is to be distributed to the membership. We will also have available a listing of the Garfield Chamber membership and a list of every business in Garfield. In addition to the services, we will be hosting seminars, encouraging networking, sponsoring marketing promotions, commercial fairs and assisting you in grand openings. The Chamber is a member of the state organization allowing for possible group insurance plans under the United Chambers Insured Plans. The benefit of belonging to the Chamber is full-time representation and year-round results. The Chamber of Commerce of Garfield acts as a clearing-house for many phone inquiries sending important REFERRALS your way.
When Should I Join?
Today! Do not wait until tomorrow. The opportunities available to you as a Chamber member are challenging and profitable. The benefits are tangible for the Individual as well as the community. Today's investment in your Chamber of Commerce will produce immediate results and continued returns. If commitment is what you feel about your business and your community's future, contact your Chamber of Commerce office today by calling 973-773-7500.
Print A Membership Application Now!
2004 Membership Application Form Download Now
Mail All Applications To:
Chamber of Commerce of Garfield
P.O. Box 525
Garfield, NJ 07026

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